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Blog Post - February 25, 2025
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Prevent the objection: We have to use "your competitor." Strategies 7-8 of 8

Objection_Free_Selling_IconPrevent - Preempt - Respond

Objection 13 of 85: We have to use 'your competitor.'

  • When does it usually occur? After the initial introduction of your products/services.
  • Probable Cause: Prospect does not believe they have the authority to move forward.
  • Objective: Identify the buying process and Influencers and achieve product/service differentiation.

Prevention Strategies: 7 & 8
7. Find out the timing of these agreements and any available backdoors. Develop internal Coaches and Mentors to guide you. Continue to focus on communicating your Unique Selling Points.
8. These types of agreements come apart for many reasons, such as a change in key staff (supplier or customer), sudden quality issues, personality conflicts, business model changes, product discontinuation, etc. That’s why you need people (coaches and champions) inside the prospect’s company who will let you know when something is about to disrupt the agreement.

Resource: Objection Free Selling is now seven years and seven months on the Amazon Top 100 Best Sellers List. Get your copy today.

Objection Free Selling book cover

Buy the eBook or 316 Page Paperback: The book contains 874 PREVENTION, PREEMPTION, and RESPONSE strategies for the 85 most common sales-stopping objections categorized by the missing Buyer Belief that caused it.


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